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Pain killers or pain relief oil ? Thoughtful ? read on......

Pian in joints

Pains are part and parcel of today's life, due to the stressful life and evolving working styles, our body has to undergo some kind of pain or the other. People who sit in front of the computer for long hours top the list.

Most of the people just neglect their pain until it becomes bearable, They just opt for a painkiller and continue with their work, but that's not the right way.

People need to understand the pain they are going through, where it starts and which part of the body is most affected? In today's world pain is not just hurting a part of your body. It reflects the way you handle your body. How much rest it needs? how much you are punishing it?

Our body has voluntary and involuntary body parts. That means some organs are meant for continuous work such as heart or lungs, but other parts of our body can't work like them such as muscles or nerves they do get tired and weak if more work is demanded, so obviously results in pain.

So at this point you will reach out for some pain killers. I would also do the same but how effective are they ? why people are drifting from painkillers to pain relief oils? how are they different ?

Let's dive into it, pain killers are powerful drugs that play some tactics with our brain. They just stimulate certain portion of our brain which causes pain to pleasure. They interfere with nervous system which transmits pain through nerve signals to block the pain.

Pain relief oil does a much better job as it does lot of other things than just hiding your pain from you. The oil really helps your muscles and nerves to relax. They really provide the right relief without causing any side effects. The message with pain relief oil really gives your mood a required uplift and your body will also love it as it relaxes all the muscles and lubricates the joints.

These oils have served us from ages. The ancient people used to get lot of benefits from them, but we due to lack of time or knowledge never gave them importance, but now it is the right time to start, be thankful to mother Earth for giving natural remedies for our pains and try to get benefitted from them.

Always choose Ayurveda over Modern medicine when it comes to pain as Ayurveda always tries to find the root cause of your disease whereas modern medicine just manages the symptoms or suppresses it, but never cure it.

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