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Hair, hair everywhere....... not in the right place.

Healthy hair

We all love to have strong, thick and lustrous hair; they are sign of our youthfulness as far as the society is concerned. They are really an asset as they enhance our physical appearance. I personally like to have long, thick and lustrous hair, but for a lazy person like me it is not just my cup of tea. I don't like to see hair in my comb or other places where they are not supposed to be like in food or on floor.

The main reasons for hair loss are pollution, poor hair care, not selecting the right hair care products, excessive physical or emotional stress, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, heredity.

We have to put in lot of effort to take good care of them.

First try to understand which hair type you have. This is the basic way to understand needs of your hair. It also helps you to choose the right product for right hair. Today markets are flooded with lot of products, which creates a lot of confusion. You will be able to select the right product if you understand your needs.

Get the right amount of nutrition needed for your body. Have a balanced diet, drink lot of water.

In today's world leading a stressful life is not as difficult it seems. If a person learns to manage time properly and avoid people who bring stress in your life. It is enough to keep you healthy and happy. Try to add meditation or some form of exercise that lifts your mood up.

Always try to include natural products for cleaning your hair. Reetha and shikakai are natural cleansers which do wonders to your hair. Amla and henna also help our hair to be healthy. There are lot of options available on youtube do some research and select the one that suits you. I will share the easiest and cheapest way to take care of your hair in last section of this article.

Pollution and sun also affects our hair. Try to avoid going out in noon as sun rays are stronger that particular time. If it is not possible take necessary precautions to avoid your hair damage. always carry umbrella, scarf or hat to protect your hair.

The home remedy that i found useful for me, would like to share with you:

  • 1 tsp. of fenugreek

  • 2 tsp. of henna powder

  • 1 bowl to mix

  • 1 empty bottle

  • 1 cup coconut oil

Preparation: Put the 1 tsp. of fenugreek in the empty bottle and keep aside. Take a bowl to make a paste of coconut oil and henna, for that add the 2 tsp. of henna powder and necessary amount of coconut oil to make a smooth paste, do take care that no lumps are formed. Once the paste is formed add remaining coconut oil and mix well, then transfer into a bowl or pan. Heat it in low flame till it starts boiling. Switch off the gas and allow it cool. Once it cools transfer it to the bottle in which fenugreek is added. You can apply this oil whenever you like to. Do warm it before you use oil every time.

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