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Why should we take care of our body?

Fit body

Our body do undergo wear and tear due to the stress that we experience in our daily life. The world in which we live today asks a lot from our body, we due to our personal desires punish it by doing extra work or taking more stress, which in turn affects the system inside.

There is a old saying that "Our body is a temple" so what does that mean?

The place where god lives is called a temple and god is within every human being. We should try to eat right, think right and drink right. When you treat your body as a god's gift you will be more aware of what to eat and drink? You will try to understand the importance of breathing and we will also be able to listen to your body needs.

If each day you do meditation or sit idle you will feel a lot of things going through your mind, you can't really control the thoughts that keeps on coming continuously. If you cannot control your own body or your mind, how can you control the people around you? This is what leads to stress.

The incapability of dealing with yourself leads to stress and other health related problems in your life. The extra pressure you put on your body slowly decreases the functioning ability of parts of your body.

Like a machine your body also needs to be maintained properly. The wear and tear of part and parcel of this stressed life. The person who understands its body needs is the happiest and healthiest person in this world. They can control their emotions and also knows what should go inside his body.

Some of the best ways to care of your body:

Get Up early : getting up early in the morning gives you the right start as you can get lot of time to finish your daily chores. If you get up late you feel stressed out as a result all the work will be half done or not upto your satisfaction.

Listen to some good soothing mantras which will lift up your mood or do some meditation. The most simple one like Pranayama. This simple pranayama itself can give you lot of health benefits.

Getting up early helps you to manage your time in the most effective way as possible. Time management really plays a crucial role in today's life. It helps you to understand your daily needs and where you can make up time for your personal needs.

Have a nice bath whenever you feel tired with some essential oils. The one i prefer is camphor oil. It really keeps your body fresh and really helps to keep away problems related to improper circulation, digestion, sluggish or overactive metabolic rates, obstructed secretions, and a wide variety of other less common conditions.

Your body needs respect so never feed it with anything you like. Your body surely knows to give it back to you if you don't treat it properly. Give it proper rest and attention.

I hope this article really has put some insights on most important part that is YOU!!!!

Always respect the soul inside your body and the parts of your body which really work hard to keep you fit.

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